『Harddisk』All the Important Data of a Company Was Lost Due to a Big Fire Accident

Release date:2018-07-03 18:26:48
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Customer description and recovery process:

    All the Important Data of a Company Was Lost Due to a Big Fire Accident! A crucial computer of an entertainment production company in Macao was shorted out, causing the whole computer to be on fire. That computer was used to store important documents of the company. Though the fire was put out immediately, there were traces of burning inside the computer hard drive. Even circuit board of the hard drive was burnt to a mess. The customer was at a loss how to solve the problem. They contacted the Company through Internet search. The Company immediately opened up the hard drive for detection upon receipt of it. It was discovered that the hard drive was seriously damaged. The Company immediately made a rescue plan. The engineers recovered data in a class-100 dust-free environment and with world-level professional equipment of data recovery, and successfully rescued the files needed by the customer. It was verified by the customer that the data was complete and correct and the recovery was 100% successful.


    In case of malfunction of hard drive and the need for data recovery, you are advised not to try reading the data again by keeping the computer and hard drive on, for this may cause further damage to the storage device and reduce the success rate of data salvation. You are advised to immediately send the storage device to professional data recovery companies for data salvation. Further damage to the storage device may cause the data unable to be salved.
